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Become an
Adult Tutor

Fill out the form below or stop by our office to learn more about the process of becoming a tutor! We offer a new tutor orientation each month.

How would you like to be contacted?
When would you like to be contacted?
What would you like to do?
student and tutor

Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need teaching experience to be a tutor?

Absolutely not! Our tutors come from diverse backgrounds, and some are even former students who have become tutors to give back to the community. Anyone who's empathetic, patient, and willing to learn can be a Literacy Green Bay tutor.


What is a tutoring session like? Is there curriculum?

You can watch a shortened video here to see what it's like. We provide a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of each student. Sessions last from 1 to 2.5 hours, and will usually include some conversation, a review, and a lesson from the curriculum that might include reading, writing, listening, or speaking.


Who are your students? What level are they at?

Our students are people who want to improve their English, get a better job, get an education, or become more involved with the community. Students in the tutoring program are at different places in their learning journey, from learning phonics to writing dissertations, and we give you the tools you need to help any student you're paired with!


How do I get matched with a student?

We have a group of dedicated volunteers who meet with each prospective student to learn more about them, their life, their goals, and how they came to Literacy Green Bay. That data, plus the information we learn about you during our intake and training process, helps us to pair you with just the right student.


What is the time commitment?

We ask our pairs to meet for at least 1.5 to 2 hours each week, more if their schedules allow. Our average pair meets for about two years—some meet for only a few months, and others have been active for more than 15 years. We hope that this is the start of a lifelong journey of learning for both our students and our tutors.

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