All transactions are processed through Kindful, our donation management platform. If you have questions, or would like to learn about other ways to give, please contact us directly.

The Generational Impact of Literacy
Give to the Future
Thomas P. and Mary B. Brogan Endowment Fund
Our endowment fund provides stable, long-term income to guarantee that Literacy Green Bay will continue to fulfill its mission for future generations. All donations to our endowment are held in trust by the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation, and all interest and dividends are reinvested in the fund or used at the discretion of our Board of Directors.
Legacy Giving
Literacy Green Bay has changed tens of thousands of lives in its 40+ years in the community, and we could not have done so without the passionate dedication of volunteers and donors who have spend decades serving our learners. Including Literacy Green Bay in your estate plans ensures that our mission can continue for years to come.
Give Together
Corporate Partnerships
Provide multiyear operating support for one of our programs and know that your company will be making an impact in the lives of some of the neediest families in Brown County by providing adult tutoring, classroom instruction and family literacy programming to adults with low skills, limited English proficiency or lacking a high school diploma. Multiyear pledges allow Literacy Green Bay to plan for the continuity, growth and sustainability of these programs.
Matching Gifts
Employer matching gift programs allow you to team up with coworkers and your workplace to make a greater impact. If your employer matches gifts, your donation can be doubled or tripled to nonprofit organizations. Get in touch with us or contact your employer to learn more.
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Business Hours
Monday – Thursday:
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
(Tutoring rooms open until 8pm)
8:30 am – noon