For Tutors

Monthly Tutoring Report

Click the link below to report your hours and your student’s successes! Hours are due on the 10th of every month. You can also fill it out at our office on paper or on a shared computer.

Tools and Resources

Click the link below to find webinars, online components of the curricula we use, tutor training classes, and resources and session ideas for tutors and their students. 

Reminders for Tutors

  • When in doubt, ask! We’re here to assist with curriculum, match issues, or logistical problems. 
  • Please do not meet with your students in a private residence or offer rides; if you are having trouble finding a meeting place, or your student needs help with transportation, please come to us!
  • Your monthly tutor reports help us to understand the program’s successes, and are a major part of our grant writing and sponsorship requests. Your reports help our organization thrive.
  • If you need to end your match, or put it on hold for more than three months, please contact Andrea so that we can keep our records up to date.
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Office Hours

Monday – Thursday:
8:30 am – 8:00 pm

8:30 am – noon